A Detailed Guide to Merchant Category Codes!


Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) are four-digit codes used to classify businesses by the type of goods or services they provide. These codes are assigned by credit card networks and banks, and can be used to categorize spending habits for financial reporting and tax purposes. For example, a restaurant might have an MCC of 5814, while a clothing store might have an MCC of 5611.

MCCs are also used to determine the processing fees that merchants must pay when they accept credit cards. Businesses with higher risk transactions, such as those classified in the “entertainment” or “travel” categories, may incur higher processing fees than those in other categories.

MCCs can be divided into four main groups – Retail, Services, Travel, and Other/Miscellaneous. Here is a brief description of each group:

1. Retail Categories: These are for businesses that sell products directly to customers such as grocery stores, department stores, clothing stores, and electronic stores.

2. Services Categories: These are for businesses that provide services to customers such as medical offices, auto repair shops, beauty salons, and pest control companies.

3. Travel Categories: These are for businesses that provide travel-related services such as airlines, hotels, tour operators, and car rentals. 

4. Other/Miscellaneous Categories: These are for all other types of businesses that do not fit into the above categories such as banking, insurance, real estate, and non-profit organizations.

Knowing what MCCs are and which category your business falls under can help you understand how to best manage your credit card processing fees. If you need help determining the right MCC for your business, contact your credit card processor or bank for more information. With the knowledge of how MCCs work and which one applies to your business, you can save money on processing fees and maximize your profits.

We hope this guide has been helpful in understanding merchant category codes and how they are used to classify businesses. For more information, please contact your credit card processor or bank. With their help, you can make sure that you are using the right MCC for your business and save money on processing fees. 


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